Explen all type electrical protection ? like O/C,E/F,NPS,VOLTAGE UN BLANCE,CURRENT UN BALANCE,NAGETIVE PHASE SEQ,AND ETC...............electrical Protection
6 20224hi friends i m from electrical branch and seeking for tech. + apti. both papers of hpcl plz get it available as soon as possible
1495Post New Electrical Engineering Questions
What is a single phase autotransformer?
What is voltage ratio of a transformer?
Difference between shunt, PMG and AREP excitation. Which is the most reliable between PMG and AREP.
we have two generators different capacity on 15 MW and other 6MW at 11 KV , 15 MW gen. bus short level current 40KA,and 6MW short level current 25KA,, length of cable 100MTR between 6 MW from 15MW gen. for bus coupling . kindly tell any one can we use both NGR OR one NGR from any GEN. BOTH NGR has diff. rating. Tariq pakistan
can i connect the two phases of scott connected transformer,if not why?
Can anyone explain me about the capacitor calculation
Can clean earth cable be considered as low current cable
i have applied for the post of RRB section engineering chennai board please send me previou papers and solved answer. my mail id jagarapusrinivas@gmail.com
Can anybody tell abt concrete encased earthing or grounding?
hai friends i have BSNL JTO exam on next month so if any body have model question paper or give preparation tips to my mail id kumar4486@yahoo.co.in this will helpfull for my future .plz & thank u by kumar
Single phase and threephase power calculation
Why we make earth connection with Transformer Body and What will be the minimum size of copper wire as per code with respect to KVA rating of Transformer?
Draw the circuit of clapp oscillator?
sir i used 3 hp of motor for spraying pump, other home light and other home items which size of allminium pvc wire ix used