Visa Interview Questions Interview Questions
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I m a B.TECH(IT) ENGG GRADUATE of 2006 and i have sufficient experience in a compny for 2yrs AND ALSO LEFT THE COMPANY. so what shud i say when they ask "WHY AM I going to US AFTER 2 YRS FOR THIS PARTICULAR COURSE MBA(IT)".

2 5925

Hai, Actually our company offer me the business visa. So i need more information regarding documentation for business visa. Can any body help me regarding this.

SDA, Sun Microsystems,

2 9411

During H1 B visa interview sometimes they ask for "project description letter". I guess our boss should give this. But my boss asked me to draft the letter myself and he would sign it for me. Can anyone please tell me what needs to be in there. I guess a lot of details regarding project, could anyone tell me how long and what details need to be there. My interview is on the 11th of april 2008. If any one could provide a sample that would be really great. I would like to have some template kind of thing.

US Consulate,

2 12519

My business Visa has been rejected last year in March 08.Now I wish to travel to Au on urgent: may I apply for Tourist Visa: whether the Tourist Visa can be obtained easily? If not what to do?

3 7980

all type of visa questions

1 5547

please send me visa interview experience question and answers to my mail address


Hi this swetha iam having a visa slot on 2nd april 2008.. iam having low scores in gre and toefl ...this is my 2nd chance ..plz give the suggestion

2 6424

i'm going to apply for H VISA my hubby's resi add in VISA is our old add which he has not updated but mine is new add will there be any probs in interview i have our current resi agreement copy



I am not holding any US visa right now.I am applying for H1 B visa this year i e 2008.I am getting married in the month of July.If My H1B visa does not get approve then will it affect to get H4 visa later in the month of July?

1 4314

My fathre (sponsar) is working in Malaysia & having my savings bank a/c in Malaysia. Will my savings bank statement of Malaysia is valid document?? if yes, is there any attestation required?? if no, What should i need to do.

1 4305

please my High school certificate is not with me now and i have interview on three weeks time, but i also i apply for one university and they request my high school certificate and post to them and they said they will send it to me after the admission process, pls can anyone tell me if i am ask? thank you


1 3856

Hi, I have done my Engg in Mechanical and passed out in 2006.I have been working with a MNC and on the project for past 14 months. I am going to file my L1. I wanted to know whether i am eligible or not and if so will my engineering in mechanical engg will be a constraint in getting visa.

Accenture, TCS,

3 10111

i have got a admission for master course in dental tech in newyork..they r not able to issue me i20 which is required for the ther any other way that i can get f1visa or any option left/.and my clases starts from sep2008

1 3682

I have rcvd my I20 and would be opting for VISA interview soon. Is there some kind of monthly quota of visas ? Taking an interview around 20th April or 1st week of May. will be there any difference in VISA quota for the counsular


what are the questions asked by visa officer for B1 visa

CP Solutions, Mind Tree, NSN, Satyam, TCS,

7 32822

Un-Answered Questions { Visa Interview Questions }

Where is his client located?


Who is going to accompany you to the US? If several of your collegues are going to accompany you,why are so many people required to go to US?


How soon can you travel down to join us


Hi,i got h1b in the year of oct 2007. in my visa papers my sirname us i again applied for the correction. i got my papers on march 2009 with correct sirname.Can i attend the interview on nextmonth.please help me




i failed in my graduation once in second year now i have wriiten gmat 700 and toefl 97 so waht poblem i can suffer while visa thing?is getting failed a big black mark?are there any hopes?


Why you want to return back?


vo rejected me twice in last fall 2010..can i apply for the next intake(spring 2010).tamu-commerce is my university.....


Hi guys, I am not having employers tax returns document, it is neccesary for stamping process? how to handle the consulate people without that document, Plz give me valuable answer.


For how long have your husband?s been working with client. (OR) Systems People?


i have 7 bands in ielts i want australian pr(Country pr) before leaving my country india pls tell the procedure need help!!!!!!!!!!


HELP my visa interview was on 21st dec...n i got denied reason being that my siblings are there. They are legal permanent residents who have settled there...the visa officer deined me the visa saying that i wont come back as my siblings also went on F-1 visa. I am planning to apply again reply to this plzzzzzzzzz


I have applied for a F1 VISA & I had appointments on 19th july and 2nd August but both times my VISA has been rejected due to unknown reasons I'm posting my conversation with VO both times 1st appointment 19 July Me: Good morning sir. VO: Hi. VO: Why do you want to go to IIT? Me: This institute provides one of the best courses in Mechanical Engineering. It has very good study atmosphere especially the faculty that is highly qualified. Most importantly It has very good student to faculty ratio ie. 10:1 that is highly favorable for student’s studies. VO: Which other universities have you applied to? Me: I have applied to Purdue, USC….( I was telling about other 2 universities also, but he interrupted) VO: Why not Purdue? Me: Coz I’ve got a rejection from there. VO: And what about USC? Me: I’ve got rejected there too. Also, I’ve applied to 2 other universities whose decisions are still awaited they are SUNY Buffallo and Texas A&M. VO: What are your qualifications? Me: I’ve done Civil Engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia University. VO: Can I see your marksheets please? Me: Sure ( I gave him my neatly clipped marksheet bundle..) VO: Do you have any backlogs? Me: No VO: Where are the marks? I’m just seeing the grades.. Me: They just provide us with these grades and there is a CPI at the end. (I was thinking I got my VISA but he returned all my forms back along with some US embassy brochure and replied…) VO: Thank don’t qualify for the US VISA this time. ( I maintained my composure and asked..) Me: Can you tell me the reason please? VO: Read the brochure. ( I was feeling devastated but I smiled back and said..) Me: Thank you. 2nd appointment 2 August Me: Hello sir, How r u.. VO: Fine, Where r u going? Me: Illinois Institute of Technology VO: Why IIT? Me: The courses required for MS in mechanical Engineering at IIT are very much related to what have i done in my undergrads, there are subjects like thermodynamics, engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, mechanics of materials that i've already studied, so definitely it will be a plus point and also its faculty is very good and student to faculty ratio is 10:1 that is highly favorable. VO: R u working somewhere? Me: Yes, I'm working in Vimtech infrastructure pvt ltd as a technical supervisor. VO: What is your percentage? Me: Sir we have a grading system in our university and different weightage is assigned to each grade and weighted mean is calculated that is called as CPI ie cumulative percentage index and i've a cpi 6.3/10. VO: That is a quite low. Me: No sir, there is a formula given at the back of marksheet which calculates my %age as 64.2 VO: Show me your marksheets. Me: Sure VO: Do u have any backlogs? Me: No, Sir VO: You have a lot of C grades.(He returned my documents back and said) VO: You need to prove that u r a credible student. GRE: 1330( Q770;V560) TOEFL 96 University: Illinois Institute Of Technology There's one more thing that i need to tell u that i have got around 16 backlogs in my undergrads, but i've cleared them all and they are not reflected in my marksheets but the year mentioned in my marksheets is of when i clear all papers of a particular semester. Can it be a problem? What should i do now ? should i reapply for a US VISA as my joining date as per my I20 is 23 August. Kindly suggest me something


give me strong reason why should i give u valid visa


If you could relive the last 15 years, what changes would you make?