Bom usage when we create a bom through cs01, what effect does bom usage field have on subsequent configuration? For example, if we take it as 1=production or 5=sales what effect will it have on subsequent processes?
931Intercompany sales I am working on intercompany sales. How do I create material in both company codes?
743A is your client; b is your client’s customer. B need x material, but x material is now out of stock, then you can solve this problem?
757How can you check in sap system, how, when and by whom which fields in the customer master record were changed?
1 1635Post New SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Questions
what is access key? how it is obtained? i was asked access key while creating data transfer routine
Infostructure filling we have two company codes and new infostructure s004 for filling. We must fill it with data from first cc only. Is there any problem if the people who create orders, deliveries, and billing of second cc work at this time?
Hi friends. What is the test script. Pls explain me with example. And also what is the End user documentation. In this documentation what is the information are there. What is the use of it.
Is it possible to perform an availability check based on the plant yet exclude one storage location?
What’s the process of pricing procedures determination?
Hai, Please post all SAP SD Q&A to my emailid:
What are the views in a material master?
Can any body can give me the example for business scenarios in industry specific solution you work with for sap sd interview bez I just finished the training.
What is a plant and how to create a new plant?
What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to sap?
Have you worked on any Functional Specification doc recently? Have you done any development work/ assignment recently? The Interviewer asked me this question in an recent interview. Please give examples from your real time/ live data project along with detailed procedure/ work mechanism and explanation along with path and t-codes if any? Please answer this question asap.... Its Urgent.... Looking forward for your express reply...I have interview within 1-2 days. So, give reply to this query asap.. I would be very grateful to you for your timely help.Thanks in advance. Regards
i faced one question. when new configuration we do what is the logic behind there?
Can you copy condition records? If yes, are there any restrictions?
Kindly pls give me brief explanation about SAP SD CIN to under stand the basics & not give the entire configuration part it would be higly appreciated if some one help me at the earliest, regards, Srinu
Hi SD Gurus, I am applying for a position of SAP SD End user. In job description, they asked for Calender/Scheduling Experience. Could you please tell me about this Calender/Scheduling Experience in detail.Thanks in advance.