Solaris Commands Interview Questions
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When you "ping server" and "ping server.domainname", you get different results. Why?

4 9787

How would you truncate a log file that is growing too large if you don't have space to compress it or to move it somewhere else? How would you do it?

3 12016

What is uadmin and what does it do?

3 11002

If you have multiple ethernet interfaces, how do you keep it from routing between them?

2 6572

You can receive e-mail, but when u try to send e-mail .. u can't send any. What is wrong?

4 7023

If you have forgotten the root password for a server, how do you get back in?


4 9566

Security point of view,What's there in NIS+ than NIS?


3 8037

How can you search for commands at the boot prompt if you only know part of the command?

9 12137

Tell me some of the differences between Solaris and Sun OS?


8 11884

how to recover root passwd ?


11 18969

solaris kernel name


7 19564

how to stop the process using process name


10 15411

solaris network daemon


6 12567

how many run level in solaris?


19 52106

where we find bp.conf file? which path?

IBM, Symphony,

11 51480

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Un-Answered Questions { Solaris Commands }

please post step by step installation of packages from the EIS cd..


How to add a new LUN in exit disksets (metasets) in solaris please answer me step by step procedure?


what is the difference between solaris8 and solaris9 and solaris10


How to create core dump and crash dump #coreadm .


Write the steps involved in creating and executing a program to implement the “case” command.


Where do you get Alarm prompt?


Hi We have upgraded our sun machine from solaris 9 to solaris 10. Before upgradation the date command output(Solaris 9) Wed Oct 13 09:45:21 IST 2010 But after upgradation the output for date is as below(solaris 10). Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:46:14 AM IST Looks like I need to change LC_TIME=C. can you please help me how to change it for permanently


What are the differences between the command line and graphical user interface?


How to configure email notification in solaris 8? We are using netbackup 5


If the root disk is failed how can change it?


what are the alarms in solaris?


How can u find a file which is logged in last week?


There are two nic cards on a sun server. I need to connect one nic to pupic ip and another nic to DMZ. Could you tell me how to configure step by step?


After first installation of Solaris 10, what and all the Securities We need to set and how ?


Which command is used to backup and restore solaris file system?