Solaris Commands Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is mount ? in that what will happen exactly ?

1 2989

In veritas: which is the file to keep the information of subdisks, disk groups name, plex and volumes?


1 4760

What is environmental? How to add environmental variables in run level 3 & how to edit?


1 5409

How to change the default new user shell without mentioning -s /bin/sh in cmd useradd or usermod and which file we need to change? this is not for existing user

Tech Mahindra,

4 8935

what is differnce between boot -s and boot -S ?

3 4950

how to add the more than one number of pkg at a time in solaris

2 4010

Explain the boot process?

1 4023

What is the difference between init 1 and init s ?

1 10611

Explain about init phases

4 5320

Explain rc script and run level

1 3693

Which file will take place while booting

1 4037

How many file to modify the host name to be changed without rebooting the system.

2 4220

Where the ip address will be stored

4 5061

How to configure the network card

2 4815

How to configure the virtual ip address

3 4303

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Un-Answered Questions { Solaris Commands }

How to create core dump and crash dump #coreadm .


How to configure email notification in solaris 8? We are using netbackup 5


What does pkgadd command do?


what are the alarms in solaris?


Which command is used to backup and restore solaris file system?


How to add a new LUN in exit disksets (metasets) in solaris please answer me step by step procedure?


Where do you get Alarm prompt?


How to make SUN server as router in subnetwork?


After first installation of Solaris 10, what and all the Securities We need to set and how ?


How can u find a file which is logged in last week?


Write the steps involved in creating and executing a program to implement the “case” command.


There are two nic cards on a sun server. I need to connect one nic to pupic ip and another nic to DMZ. Could you tell me how to configure step by step?


If the root disk is failed how can change it?


what is the difference between solaris8 and solaris9 and solaris10


What are the differences between the command line and graphical user interface?