Solaris Commands Interview Questions
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what are the solaris commands? how can i use them? are my requirements plz post it.

1 3903

How to delete only 3rd and 8th line from file using vi execute or last line mode with one short of command


2 5447

Hi We have upgraded our sun machine from solaris 9 to solaris 10. Before upgradation the date command output(Solaris 9) Wed Oct 13 09:45:21 IST 2010 But after upgradation the output for date is as below(solaris 10). Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:46:14 AM IST Looks like I need to change LC_TIME=C. can you please help me how to change it for permanently

IBM, Wipro,


Hello Everyone, One of our servers is showing a strange issue, let me paste the output Code: root # uptime 4:37pm 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.04, 0.04 Its been running since months but you can see after time there isn't any output like up 191 days(s). Even the who command with b and r option isn't giving any output. Code: root # who -b root # root # who -r root # the date command displays correct output. I am not sure but is it because someone has played with utmpx and wtmpx files, is reboot the only solution we have. Can anyone help us since we don't intend to reboot the server for such a reason and also no one has complained till yet.

1 3515

hi frnds I created sparse root zone, in that zone when i try to change the passwd it is giving permission denied. what is the reason and how to chnage the root passwd in the zone. can u please explain the query.


2 4956

There are two nic cards on a sun server. I need to connect one nic to pupic ip and another nic to DMZ. Could you tell me how to configure step by step?



what is the difference between /var/adm/ and /var/sadm directory contains in solaris?


1 7748

what is the metasets in Solaris?please explain the sets with example.Any documents please share for me friends. (link)


1 4832

How to add a new LUN in exit disksets (metasets) in solaris please answer me step by step procedure?



How to check the patch level in solaris


4 6272

How do you find the number of Network card attached to your server ?

4 6627

If a User Account is locked,which file you need to check and how do you get to know at what time it has been locked.


4 17414

In Solaris, how to check the number of Users currently logged in ?


8 14587

What is Sun Explorer ?


5 10679

What is the command to check wwn in solaris?


3 7393

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Un-Answered Questions { Solaris Commands }

what are the alarms in solaris?


Where do you get Alarm prompt?


How to add a new LUN in exit disksets (metasets) in solaris please answer me step by step procedure?


what is the difference between solaris8 and solaris9 and solaris10


What are the differences between the command line and graphical user interface?


There are two nic cards on a sun server. I need to connect one nic to pupic ip and another nic to DMZ. Could you tell me how to configure step by step?


please post step by step installation of packages from the EIS cd..


What does pkgadd command do?


Which command is used to backup and restore solaris file system?


How can u find a file which is logged in last week?


How to configure email notification in solaris 8? We are using netbackup 5


After first installation of Solaris 10, what and all the Securities We need to set and how ?


Hi We have upgraded our sun machine from solaris 9 to solaris 10. Before upgradation the date command output(Solaris 9) Wed Oct 13 09:45:21 IST 2010 But after upgradation the output for date is as below(solaris 10). Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:46:14 AM IST Looks like I need to change LC_TIME=C. can you please help me how to change it for permanently


How to create core dump and crash dump #coreadm .


How to make SUN server as router in subnetwork?