Solaris Commands Interview Questions
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i dont have access to the FTP server, what is the problem and how to trouble shoot?


1 3730

how to recover a server/system backup?


1 3599

In solaris while patching why should we break the mirroring?


1 5054

in solaris performance tuning what fields we check with IOSTAT, VMSTAT and NETSTAT?


3 6580

I would like to create users and the users account should be locked after 3 login attempts. How to create ? And where these locked information has been stored. Environment : NIS and if LDAP also


4 6286

After first installation of Solaris 10, what and all the Securities We need to set and how ?



What are the options available in Solaris Security setting.?


1 4144

My solaris system has 16GB RAM and swap. /tmp is associated to swap. We use vmstat command to get used system memory. We observe that once we fill up /tmp, it reflects in vmstat command. My intention is only to get overall used memory in RAM. 1. Can you let me know the if there is a solaris command to just get used memory in RAM? 2. How is /tmp filling up associated to "free memory" in vmstat command?

2 4288

1. How do you replace a failed boot disk under meta in solaris? Step by step explanation? 2. How do you remove meta only for the root slice? remaining slices should run under meta? 3. what you would do if you want to replace a slice using metareplace option? 4. what is the significance of 51% state database replicas in SVM? 5. what are the common errors you find in Solaris Volume manager? 6. You have a boot disk under svm, the machine fails to boot and remains in ok prompt? what could be the possible reason? 7. metastat -p shows a metavolume needs replacement. Metavolume is a single way mirror only. Actually you find disk and metavolumes are ok and I/O is happening to the filesystems… how will you remove the metareplace message that comes out of metastat. 8. How to create a shared disk group in VxVM? 9. What is the difference between private and public regions in Veritas Volume manager? 10. what would you do if the private region of a particular disk group is full? What are the design considerations for the size of private region in Vxvm disk group? 11. How to replace a corrupt private region? in vxvm 3.5 and greater versions… 12. How would you convert a volume from gen to fsgen? why should you do that? 13. How can you unencapsulate a boot disk in VxVM? 14. How to identify multiple paths for a disk. 15. What is the difference between Vxdmp and EMC powerpath? 16. vxdisk -o alldgs list o/p shows some disk groups in braces… What does that signify? 17. what are the various layouts that are available in VxVM? 18.What is a layered volume? how to create it using vxmake? 19.How to quickly mirror a volume, if the volume is empty? 20. How to grow a volume? 21. What is the difference between failing and failed disks? 22. How to replace a failed disk in Veritas? 23. Plex is in a disabled state. How will you recover? what are the steps to follow? 24.what is the difference between detached and disassociate state of plexes? 25. Whats the boot process of VxVM? 26. Whats the difference between SVM and VxVM? What would you recommend to your clients? why? 27.What are the various clusters you have worked on? 28. Which cluster is better VCS or Sun cluster? 29. Compare and contrast VCS and Sun Cluster. will you start VCS service? What are the configuration files in VCS? 31. How would switch a service group? 32. How would you freeze a service group? 33. What is a Split brain scenario ?

2 11336

what are the alarms in solaris?


what is the diff between ufslog and vxfslog?

1 4992

Pls explain the raids in solaris??

Bank Of America,

1 4971

what is the difference between solaris8 and solaris9 and solaris10



What are the Patch Management Issues you have faced and how did you resolve them?


1 5773

Where do you get Alarm prompt?



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Un-Answered Questions { Solaris Commands }

what are the alarms in solaris?


There are two nic cards on a sun server. I need to connect one nic to pupic ip and another nic to DMZ. Could you tell me how to configure step by step?


Write the steps involved in creating and executing a program to implement the “case” command.


What does pkgadd command do?


How to create core dump and crash dump #coreadm .


Hi We have upgraded our sun machine from solaris 9 to solaris 10. Before upgradation the date command output(Solaris 9) Wed Oct 13 09:45:21 IST 2010 But after upgradation the output for date is as below(solaris 10). Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:46:14 AM IST Looks like I need to change LC_TIME=C. can you please help me how to change it for permanently


please post step by step installation of packages from the EIS cd..


After first installation of Solaris 10, what and all the Securities We need to set and how ?


How can u find a file which is logged in last week?


How to configure email notification in solaris 8? We are using netbackup 5


What are the differences between the command line and graphical user interface?


How to make SUN server as router in subnetwork?


what is the difference between solaris8 and solaris9 and solaris10


If the root disk is failed how can change it?


How to add a new LUN in exit disksets (metasets) in solaris please answer me step by step procedure?