Solaris Interview Questions
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Suppose if u want to reconfigure the kernel then how ur going to do?

3 7472

You can ping servers on the subnet your workstation is on, but not other subnets. Why?

2 5656

If you can ping a server, but can't telnet or ssh to it, whats wrong?


8 37386

If you mistype a password, how do you clear it out to retype the password again?

Genpact, WNS,

11 25877

If fsck is running, one thind u should not do.. what's that?

3 7241

If you try to send an e-mail to someone and the following message appear "Message Undeliverable", what could be wrong?


3 8027

How do you give a user access to an application or program that needs to run as root without giving them the root password?

3 8545

When you "ping server" and "ping server.domainname", you get different results. Why?

4 9787

How would you truncate a log file that is growing too large if you don't have space to compress it or to move it somewhere else? How would you do it?

3 12016

What is uadmin and what does it do?

3 11002

If you have multiple ethernet interfaces, how do you keep it from routing between them?

2 6572

You can receive e-mail, but when u try to send e-mail .. u can't send any. What is wrong?

4 7023

If you have forgotten the root password for a server, how do you get back in?


4 9566

Security point of view,What's there in NIS+ than NIS?


3 8037

How can you search for commands at the boot prompt if you only know part of the command?

9 12137

Un-Answered Questions { Solaris }

when i am starting solaris10 with 'fail safe mode' on intel machine it is asking "#starting shell".what is it and how to solve this problem?


Explain semmnu?


How can a user login to solaris? What is the login shell?


Explain how to view shared memory statistics?


What do you understand by irq assignments?


what is the difference between solaris8 and solaris9 and solaris10


Tell me how many types of file system?


List out a few performance monitoring tools.


When iam loging in to my system as a normal user through


Explain semume?


How can the output be redirected to some other action process in place showing it in the screen?


Explain the vmstat output?


Tell me how to give quotas on cpu?


How can a user boot in solaris as root if the password is non functional?


How can threads be created in a solaris environment?