How can you quickly find the number of elements stored in a a) static array b) dynamic array ?
5 13582Post New Lucent Interview Questions
Is benzalkonium chloride a quaternary ammonium compound?
What is the difference between inheritance and polymorphism?
is there any other way to install s/w in mainframe apart from smp/e system?
What is contract demand in solar system?
Explain modal plugin in bootstrap.
What is the keyword used to prevent a class from being inherited by another class?
What is the purpose of sorting?
What does aop mean?
What is meta model concept ?
What's the difference between a thread safe and a thread unsafe function?
Is javascript event driven?
what is the dictionary objects in QTP? and what is method of vb script using virtual object wizard........
in battery charging room we find two fuses (one in positive other in negative cables ).why it is so?one fuse is ore than sufficient?
Is it possible to have hadoop job output in multiple directories? If yes, how?
What are microservices in spring?