HOw we can apply web service checkpoint in QTP 9.5? I tried it out with net connection also. But not getting success.
2230How to map test cases with Automation script? Please explain in details.With example Thanks for your co-operation(In Advance)
1 6743I want to count the total no of links present in yahoo home page. The script like Set fileSysObject=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set linksFileName=fileSysObject.opentextfile("D:\samplelinkfile.txt",2,true) Set linkDescObj=description.Create linkDescObj("micclass").value="Link" Set noOfLinks=browser("yahoo").Page("Yahoo!India").ChildObjects(linkDescObj) For i=0 to noOfLinks.count-1 linkName=noOfLinks(i).getROProperty("name") linksFileName.writeline(linkName) Next linksFileName.close Set fileSysObject=nothing But while running the script it is fail (the object not present in the object repository).How to overcome please tell me the detail steps...for QTP9.30
1 4155Hi this is Vinoth. I need a help on below mentioned question A combobox contains list of items assume as 5 I have to get each items Individually and I have to Export to datatable. Please help me on this. Thanks
1895i have to open a notepad having no. of words in dat file by recording in qtp and then find a particular word and display true or false
1878while using Keyward driven framework in QTPif new requirements are added how to manage it...plz ans
1754Hi Friends, I have an issue like the describe below: I'm using QTP and I'm testing on SharePoint. As you knoe, SharePoint has a customize function for user, so that, If I add an object Web Table at the first time, that object was recognized by "index" and "html tag", after that, if someone change the display of web part, the "Index" of my object was changed as well and QTP unable to select that Web Table. Can you guide me how to identify or anyway to keep that Web Table object as unique object? Thanks a lot.
2733Could Anybody tell me the Script for REVERSE an Interger int reverse(int num) Ex:246 to 642.. Thanks in Advance.
3 4851Could Anybody Please tell me What is the script for Find 3rd Largest element in the Array without using a SORT function int Find(int arr[], int size); Thanks in Advance..
I want to run QTP script on Linux server is it possible to do this by connecting Windows to Linux through VPN/Terminal Server and just run the script on Linux server.
what is used of Property........End Property loop ? how to write the script for it?
What is the use of option explicit statement?
What is the use of the recordset object and which statement is used to create such an object?
Plzzzzzzz can any one tell me which is the best institute in hyderabad for learing VBScript. plz do answer guys its urgent plzzzzzzz. thanks in advance.
i wrote vbscripit code in notepad i got error i am in learning stage if u ps tell me what wrong in my code my error is "object required descriptive at line one run time error"and my code is "set usernameobj=Descriptive.Create() usernameobj( "name").value="Username" set passwordobj=Descriptive.Create() passwordobj("name").value="password" set signinobj=Descriptive.Create() signinobj("name").value="sigin" browser("gmail").page("gmail").WebEdit("usernameobj").set ("enter username") Browser("gmail").Page("gmail").WebEdit("passwordobj").Set secure.Crypt.Encrypt("enter password") browser("gmail").page("gmail").WebButton("siginobj").click
Which conditional statement is the most convenient one to use in the case of multiple conditions in the vbscript language?
Which function is used in the vbscript language to convert the specified expression into a date type value?
Hai this is sheik, i want to learn VB scripts for web application pls guide me what are all basic things need to know to learn VB scripts in web application.
How to assign a numeric value to a variable?
What is the event handling in vbscript?
I have attended Anovatek Software QTP interview. They will give us computer and one web based application with QTP. We have to automate some records (already updated records or new records) using QTP Data driven testing. But we should use for loop? Can any one know how to do data driven testing using For loop?
Write program for identifyig duplicates in flight Departing from and Arriving in mercury tours(web application).
Explain the functionality of vbscript?
In what way program "hello world" you can write in vbscript?