I want to count the total no of links present in yahoo home
page. The script like
Set fileSysObject=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set linkDescObj=description.Create
For i=0 to noOfLinks.count-1
Set fileSysObject=nothing
But while running the script it is fail (the object not
present in the object repository).How to overcome please
tell me the detail steps...for QTP9.30
Answer / satyanj
check whether you have stored the Browser and Page objects
in OR.
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My questions is while writting descriptve programming, lets take flight reservation. Line1: systemutil.Run "D:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTestProfessional\samples\flight\app\flight4 a.exe" dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Agent Name:").Set "mercury" dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Password:").Set "mercury" dialog("text:=Login").WinButton("text:=OK").click window("text:=Flight Reservation").Activate window("text:=Flight Reservation").ActiveX ("acx_name:=MaskEdBox").Type "111111" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("attached text:=Fly From:").Select "Frankfurt" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("attached text:=Fly To:").Select "London" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinButton ("text:=FLIGHT").Click window("text:=Flight Reservation").dialog("text:=Flights Table").WinList("text:=From").Select "13536 FRA 08.00AM LON 08.45AM SR $163.00" window("text:=Flight Reservation").dialog("text:=Flights Table").WinButton("text:=OK").Click window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinEdit("attached text:=Name:").Exist window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinEdit("attached text:=Name:").Set "sagar", Now i m getting the error in the last line. it is not accepting the WinEdit("attached text:=Name:") Please do solve this urgent...! and i want to know how to insert additional properties for an object and which properties we need to select from the object spy.