My questions is while writting descriptve programming, lets take flight reservation. Line1: systemutil.Run "D:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTestProfessional\samples\flight\app\flight4 a.exe" dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Agent Name:").Set "mercury" dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Password:").Set "mercury" dialog("text:=Login").WinButton("text:=OK").click window("text:=Flight Reservation").Activate window("text:=Flight Reservation").ActiveX ("acx_name:=MaskEdBox").Type "111111" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("attached text:=Fly From:").Select "Frankfurt" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("attached text:=Fly To:").Select "London" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinButton ("text:=FLIGHT").Click window("text:=Flight Reservation").dialog("text:=Flights Table").WinList("text:=From").Select "13536 FRA 08.00AM LON 08.45AM SR $163.00" window("text:=Flight Reservation").dialog("text:=Flights Table").WinButton("text:=OK").Click window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinEdit("attached text:=Name:").Exist window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinEdit("attached text:=Name:").Set "sagar", Now i m getting the error in the last line. it is not accepting the WinEdit("attached text:=Name:") Please do solve this urgent...! and i want to know how to insert additional properties for an object and which properties we need to select from the object spy.
3 5918Hi, can any one tell this Actually I AM NEW TO QTP I have one qtp script in which it calls the vbs file during it's run TIME by using the ExecuteFile "absolute path" If the vbs file is executed seperately it will give the output in a msgbox In the same way if qtp script is executed the result will be displayed in w result window right? Now the question is how to get that vbs file output in the qtp result window when I run the qtp script which calls the vbsfile during it's run TIME
1 3494i created script for login in QTP,i parametirized that using global sheet,problem i am facing is first i want to login with first values provided in excelsheet and want to perform some operation,second time if call same action it should login with second values in excelsheet
2 7112I need help to write a function in vbscript to click on a link. That link looks like a tab. There are 6 tabs. When I click on 1 tab it should show as "on". when I spy the class property is on. But for the one which is not clicked the class property is blank. I have objects created in our custom object repository. Please give me some idea.
1 5732We have an application which is built using multiple technologies and are using QTP as the tool for Automating the same. While we spy over a combo box in this application, we get the object name as a "Combo Control" and we are not able to perform any action over this object in either selecting or checking any method for the same like "Exist" etc. Hence we thought of a solution and the same can be found below
1680I have attended Anovatek Software QTP interview. They will give us computer and one web based application with QTP. We have to automate some records (already updated records or new records) using QTP Data driven testing. But we should use for loop? Can any one know how to do data driven testing using For loop?
1718Hi Friends Rajendra this is bhavani prasad, iam working Hyderabad. i faced one problem with qtp recording mode i.e in my application there is 100 records first we click the first record that record will be jumped to next session and 99 records will there stop the recording and run the same script .Run this script qtp does not identify the records. So plz tell me what is the solution.
1749Plz give the vb script for the following scenerio. In travel booking we have to select from delhi to mumbai from the combobox The prices will be display in another combo box .But i have to select the lowest price for it and submit it
1 4264How do I check that the names in a weblist are correct e.g in flight application the names of item are Denver, paris,London, etc. How do I ensure the correct item is displayed from the list after doing item count ?
2 7243
Which date function is used in the vbscript language to find the difference between the 2 dates?
What purpose does ‘on error resume next’ serves?
how to write validation function for date in vb script
Can automation testing find ssame no. of bugs what we can find by manual testing?
How to pass argument by reference to a function in vbscript?
How to make professional test report using vbscript code in UFT, which gives us complete analysis of the test.
What are class properties?
How will you get a combined string from array of string in vbscript?
What are the uses of vb script?
Explain How do you create a recordset object in vbscript?
What methods are used to create text files and open text files in the vbscript language?
hi all, i had a question, that how to find out hiding a coloumn in a table i had a table having the following column names NAME DESCRIPTION CREATED TIME CREATED USER if i right clicked on a NAME column it will displays a menu having the same column names in a list like NAME DESCRIPTION CREATED TIME CREATED USER with check boxes.if i unched any check box, that column name should not be appear in the main table column names could anyone please solve this problem?
Which object provide information about a single runtime error in a vbscript?
Does VB/Win make standalone .EXE files?
Which operator is used for fetching the modulus of the 2 numbers in the vbscript language?