How to map test cases with Automation script?
Please explain in details.With example
Thanks for your co-operation(In Advance)
Answer / niroj
Don't do a direct mapping with the TCs. Because it will be
very hard code, maintain and the test cases writing may
differ from person to person.
Hence,to this you need to first simplify the test cases with
some basic keywords like OPEN PoPup, OPEN WINDOW, ENTER
value AND PRESS <Enter>, MATCH value, CONNECT DB name,
EXECUTE QUERY(SELECT ...), WAIT secs etc. which you think
can completely represent any testing you are doing and other
people also can easily follow the same standard.
Put all these step wise perfect format in a file(better to
put in a Excel doc)
Now you can check your KEY words which can be read from the
Excel doc and match those using Regular Pattern Matching.
After mapping with the instructions we can execute the exact
codes in your automation script.
Example: Suppose I am going automate Web Page application.
Test cases step in original format:(i.e in an excel sheet)
I am using PERL pattern matching Standards...
1) Open the site yahoomail | Req: The page should be loaded
2) Enter your yahooid | Req: User should be able to enter
his/her name in the text field
Mapping Steps:(Re-writing TCs in a excel sheet)
"Sign in to Yahoo!"
2) PRINT IN "Yahoo! ID" TEXTFIELD | Req:
3) PRESS <Tab> | Req: BLIING CURSOR IN "Password:" FIELD
Automation Coding Stage:
Var Step=Read 1(Step column from Excel)
While Step <> END_ME
Var Task=ReadExcel [Step]["TASK_COL"]
Var Req=ReadExcel [Step]["REQ_COL"]
Var Step=ReadExcel [Step++]["Step_Col"]
If [ %Task% =~ /^\s*OPEN\s+PAGE\s+(\S+)/i ]
Wait Window to open
Wait the page to load
If [ %Req% =~ /^\s*MATCH\s+IMAGE\s+(\S+)/ ]
Wait the image for searching
Set timeout=fewsecs
If matched:
Write Passed to a file
Write Failed to a file
Better you use a tool like WinAutomation, MacroSchedular etc
for easy mapping
Niroj Kumar Pattnaik
R&D In Software Testing
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