Hi All, I am facing one problem in QTP. There is link object in my application that exist in the Frame in mozilla firefox. Click event on that object is not working but once the frame is enabled/activated then click event works fine.But the frame does not have the activate property. This problem is coming in firefox only. Regards
Explain about scrrun.dll?
i wrote vbscripit code in notepad i got error i am in learning stage if u ps tell me what wrong in my code my error is "object required descriptive at line one run time error"and my code is "set usernameobj=Descriptive.Create() usernameobj( "name").value="Username" set passwordobj=Descriptive.Create() passwordobj("name").value="password" set signinobj=Descriptive.Create() signinobj("name").value="sigin" browser("gmail").page("gmail").WebEdit("usernameobj").set ("enter username") Browser("gmail").Page("gmail").WebEdit("passwordobj").Set secure.Crypt.Encrypt("enter password") browser("gmail").page("gmail").WebButton("siginobj").click
What is the extension of the vbscript file?
Mention the rules for using option explicit statement?
What is loose binding? Why is it not a good practice to use it?
Mention what is byref and byval parameters in vbscript?
How to create a cookie using vbscript?
What is the main difference between function and sub-procedure?
How to access array data?
Which event is triggered when mouse focus comes out of an element in the vbscript language?
How will you check that a variable is an array in vbscript?
What is Procedure or Subroutine in VB Script?
Write a vbscript procedure that converts feet to inches. Hint: there are 12 inches in a foot?
What purpose does ‘on error resume next’ serves?