Which in-built functions are used to convert the specified expression in the form of date and string in the vbscript language?
717Which object is used to work with the database in the vbscript language and what statement is used to create this object?
660What is the use of the ‘open’ method to work with the database in the vbscript language and what connection string is passed in the same and what is its usage?
What is dictionary object in vbscript? Explain?
does anyone have qtp11.0 license key.Please sendit to my mail id-rrvv2011@gmail.com...Thanks
What is the difference between a dictionary and an array?
Hi Friends Rajendra this is bhavani prasad, iam working Hyderabad. i faced one problem with qtp recording mode i.e in my application there is 100 records first we click the first record that record will be jumped to next session and 99 records will there stop the recording and run the same script .Run this script qtp does not identify the records. So plz tell me what is the solution.
Hi All, I am facing one problem in QTP. There is link object in my application that exist in the Frame in mozilla firefox. Click event on that object is not working but once the frame is enabled/activated then click event works fine.But the frame does not have the activate property. This problem is coming in firefox only. Regards
How to replace junk code recorded by QTP with a mall function.
Mention what is vbscript procedures?
What is the purpose of regexp object in vbscript?
regular expression that will recognize a browser as long as its name property starts with mybrowser
How to assign a date value to a variable?
What is the use of option explicit statement?
When are redim statement and preserve keyword used in the vbscript language?
after medical test,when will be the police verification
Mention what is the use of option explicit in vbscript?