VB Script Interview Questions
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Could Anybody tell me the VBscript for REVERSE an Integer int reverse(int num) Ex:246 to 642


7 21331

Could Anybody tell me VBScript for Check if a given number is Prime number-Don't use any Built- in Functions Boolean/int is Prime(int number).. Thanks in advance.

Amazon, Pyroferus,

12 44789

Hi, Anybody could you Please tell me How to write the script for Checking whether given number is Prime Number or not..Thanks in Advance


6 8255

Hi, Anybody could tell me What is the script for Reverse of Given number. Ex:236--632. Thanks in Advance..

Amazon, CSC,

10 12236

Hi, Anybody could tell me What is the 3rd Largest Number in the series..Thanks in Advance..

Amazon, bcbs,

3 5356

Here in my automation tool, i am retreiving some values and i need to store this values in the excel. How can i achieve this?. We are using VBA as scripting language. please let me know if you require any further inputs.

1 3594

write a program to display the system specifications of client system with the help of vbScript.


write a program to display configuration of a local system with the help of vb script.


Hi, Can anyone please send me vb script examples to practice vb and also material to learn vb scripting in QTP? my email id : hareen_11@yahoo.com


PLz send me the VB scripts which is having more examples my email id : hareen_11@yahoo.com


What is a difference between scripting language and programming language?

2 4198

i have developed the below QTP script to count the no of items available in the web list "Select a product" in www.bankrate.com and also want to print what are the items??? can any one help me to rectify the below script??? SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe","www.bankrate.com" a=Browser("title:=Mortgage Rates Credit Cards Refinance Home CD Rates by Bankrate.com").page("title:=Mortgage Rates Credit Cards Refinance Home CD Rates by Bankrate.com").Weblist("name:=select").GetTOProperty("items count") msgbox a Dim List() ReDim List(a-1) For i = 1 To a List(i-1)=Browser("title:=Mortgage Rates Credit Cards Refinance Home CD Rates by Bankrate.com").page ("title:=Mortgage Rates Credit Cards Refinance Home CD Rates by Bankrate.com").Weblist("name:=select").GetItem(i) Print List(i-1) Next

1 5419

what is resorceallocation


how to write a vb script in QTP for yahoo registration form, i want to check the performance also like performance test, stress, load test like that.


Illustrate briefly about the different types of statement


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Un-Answered Questions { VB Script }

How to take whole text output from screen of Bitmap Application.


When are redim statement and preserve keyword used in the vbscript language?


What is the use of the ‘open’ method to work with the database in the vbscript language and what connection string is passed in the same and what is its usage?


how to check whether link is disabled in QTP??


How will you get a combined string from array of string in vbscript?


Mention what is the main difference between function and sub-procedure?


There are 5 web pages.write a script to click the button on 4th web page.


If else for do while select in vb script?


Explain about scrrun.dll?


Illustrate briefly about the different types of statement


hi all, i had a question, that how to find out hiding a coloumn in a table i had a table having the following column names NAME DESCRIPTION CREATED TIME CREATED USER if i right clicked on a NAME column it will displays a menu having the same column names in a list like NAME DESCRIPTION CREATED TIME CREATED USER with check boxes.if i unched any check box, that column name should not be appear in the main table column names could anyone please solve this problem?


how to increase the values in text box in a given text box increament by two values by clicking on button


How can you create an object in vbscript?


Why is the use of exit do or exit for statements within loops discouraged?


Mention what are the rules to name variable in vbscript?