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HP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How would your co-workers/classmates/friends describe you?

16 36225

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 119670

How the processor registers can be used in C ?

7 17249

What is an volatile variable?

15 36919

How to access or modify the const variable in c ?

16 38972

What is structure padding ?

3 31278

What is structure packing ?

2 14394

How to implement call back functions ?

3 10657

What is an anonymous union and where to apply that ?

3 10503

How to implement variable argument functions ?

1 8965

What are advantages and disadvantages of recursive calling ?

12 99863

How the C program can be compiled?

11 21850

What are the preprocessors?

9 18003

what are the various memory handling mechanisms in C ?

4 12221

What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?

23 69286

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HP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

sir, i have completed engineering diploma in electronics and now got the call letter for written exam for the post "junior engineer" from rrb chennai. could you help me about the model and type of questions that i should prepair?


What is type conversion in java?


What do you mean by @qualifier in spring?


Difference between logical and physical address space?


What are the different types of servers available?


In Verilog code what does “timescale 1 ns/ 1 ps” signifies?


What are the tables used for access control?


What does a div tag do?


Discuss the role of Spark driver in Spark application?


What are the features of dot net?


Can geek squad recover data?


What is difference between datagridview and datagrid control in winforms?


How can you automate your project?


if building "b" height casts a shadow "f ' feet long . the same day a tree "t" feet height will cast a shadow how many feet long ? a)ft/b b)fb/t c)b/ft d)tb/f e)t/fb


Difference between keyword & keyword phrase?