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HP Linux Commands Interview Questions
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How will retrieves incoming mails from different web sites

4 8803

have you ever got warning message from unix admin that file system running out of space or not enough disk space?what will u do?

5 8898

Did you work with linux? What flavors and versions?

5 8190

How do you rate yourself in unix(if 0 is novice and 10 is sys admin)?

2 6678

How do you find out the server processes running?

4 9034

How would you find whether a remote server is up or not?

8 12979

How will you execute a java program inside a kornshell script?

1 5428

Did you ever write any inerface files / profile file to support unix environment setup ?

1 3656

What would you do when all the processess hangs and there is no other option in unix?

3 8713

ls -l ls -t ls -r ls -a ls -ltr ls -u grep error file.txt grep -v error file.txt perl | ./file.txt tee chmod +x chmod -x chmod =x ps bg date +%y%m%d ?


Diff b/w C-shell and Born-shell

2 9152

How will retrieves incoming mails from different web sites

2 8919

How do you read ext2/3 file system in windows?

8 10185

how do you configure linux system as a router?

5 10820

when zombie process fully cleared?

4 9965

Post New HP Linux Commands Interview Questions

HP Linux Commands Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

The “preserve” check box must only be used at what stage in blue prism?


how we do Vector group ,magnetic balance and tap changer test in Transformer?


What is the difference between sql server 2000 object owner and sql server 2005 schema? : sql server database administration


What are the problems faced by the developer using object oriented programming language?


What is maximum recommended velocity for steam in a plant pipe network?


Why the temporary registers w and z are named so I mean we start from a,b,c,d,e then h and l coz h stands for higher bit nd l for lower bit of the address pinted by memory pointer....but wats w and z for?


Where is the export dump file located?


can any tell me why slope 40% and 80% is calculated in differential protection?


How do you merge columns in excel and keep all data?


Suppose you are filtering the rows using a filter transformation only the rows meet the condition pass to the target. Tell me where the rows will go that does not meetthe condition.


What are the client dependant objects in abap / sap?


What types of routing are possible in a wireless network?


TREE RINGS. Do they have any function other than dendochronology?


How important is recording observations in Astronomy?


Explain about looping in PHP?