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HP Core Java Interview Questions
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what is difference Between Core Java and advance java

60 167552

how many design pattern r there? and wht design pattern u use and why ?

5 10090

What is difference between Iterator and for loop

9 53469

what is finalmethod & final variable with example?

6 9536

what is polymorphism with example?types of polymorphism?

15 60151

please tell me what is wrapper class in java with example ?

6 19773

why string is not taking as primitive datatypes but we r taking it as a class? why explain it?

2 5682

What is the difference between the synchronized() & static synchronized()?

2 8010

which one is more efficient int x; 1. if(x==null) 2.if(null==x) state which one either 1 or 2?

6 9997

how tha garbage collector know that the object will be deleted? on which algorithm the garbage collector works? what is the working principle of garbage collector? How manay types of garbage collectors r there?

1 6750

what is object type casting? give some example with related?

2 8256

suppose we have an interface & that interface contains five methods. if a class implements that interface then we have to bound that to give tha definition of all five methods in that class. If we declare that class as abstract then can we call only two methods to give the deinition of that method & i don't want to give the definition of all the methods? can it possible

6 8981

When you declare a method as abstract method ?

2 6415

how jvm allocates memory for stack?

1 4014

Difference between process and thread?


Post New HP Core Java Interview Questions

HP Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Write a test case plan for a typical banking application which involves functionalities like Balance enquiry, deposit, fund transfer etc. Make your assumptions and mention the same in your answer sheet.


What are different types of algorithms?


what you know about c++?


High speed gear is obtained in the case of sliding mesh gear box when a) Motion is transferred through the clutch gear to lay shaft gear b) Main shaft is coupled to the clutch shaft c) Smallest gear on the lay shaft is engaged d) Largest gear on the lay shaft is engaged


Why Accenture?


What are application widgets in android?


What is the best way to manage, operate, and monitor sap hana systems? : hana administration


Do they have bereavement leave? if so, how many days?


What is SCSI in windows operating system?


is it possible for different brand of H.V transformers to run or operate in parallel to each other? if so how much disturbance can this affact the H.V bus bar?


Tell me what is the use of "enctype" attribute in a html form?


Differentiate between html and xhtml.


What is JSF Navigation Rule?


When the constructor of a class is invoked?


how could you change gas line control valve to liquid line valve?