i require technical question paper which has been asked in last railway recruitment board exam for the post of junior engr.
Why do we need dagger 2?
What is the function of the ‘reconstruction’ tab in an info cube?
What is the isna function in excel?
What points should be kept in mind to build an effective organization?
Explain the importance of directories in a unix system
What is the significance of classes in oop?
what is the low colony forming ability of Clumpy cells?
How do I repair windows 10 without losing files?
Name the financial institution built by industrial development bank of india (idbi)?
What is a Workbasket, Workpool and Workgroup?
why we provide bent up reinforcement bars at l/4 ? if it is because of diagonal shear , how does it acts ?
The key components of AWS are as follows?
What is Forward chaining and Backward chaining?
What is the use of having the const qualifier?