hey please tell me how to retriev data from excel sheet which puts the login name and password in the application? plz send me the code..please help me
6 8734wht must be the interview question on corinthian information technology solutions incorporated.
2368I have a webtable and many objects are embedded in side.(like buttons,checkboxes etc). How to know how many such objects are there? what is the class of that objects?
1 4055Post New HP VB Script Interview Questions
What are the different job scheduling in operating systems?
What is django template?
How you rank yourself compared with your friends?
Physician samples should be charged under CST @ 5% manufactured in H.P. and transferred to other states
Clarify how you can maintain a strategic distance from un-vital logging data from being put away?
"A dimension table is wide but the fact table is deep," explain the statement in your own words.
Write an abap program for creation of customer enquiry using BAPI 'BAPI_INQUIRY_CREATEFROMDATA'.
What is splunk? Why is splunk used for analyzing machine data?
Cursors can be declared in both working-storage & procedure division, agreed. But is there any difference? If could you please suggest what is the difference
How do you create a jar file?
How do you sort a dataframe in descending order?
Why is the main method declared static?
What is amazon elasticache?
What Are Cross Validation & Adi?
Is heap shared between processes?