Define retail banking?
How can I read/write structures from/to data files?
Hi, Give me some scenario's where we use gap and how we use gap in sap fico.
What is a virtual call center?
what i say about my positive attitude in interview with example ?
Is overriding of a function possible in the same class?
Tell something about E- Choupal?
List some of the dynamic data structures in C?
write a program using c++ to implement single contiguous memory mangement techniques.display the content of the main memory after yhe allocation of jobs and percentage of the wastage of the main memory
How do you write a title tag?
What is intermediate langauge?
What is data mart? : sql server analysis services, ssas
Why is not__getattr__invoked when attr==’__str__’?
I have an existing old MCCB. ABB Model SACE, the rating are: Ue = 660 volts, Iu =1250 Amps, 3 poles, Ith (max) =800 amps at 45 deg C. I need a circuit breaker for my 3 phase motors, 380 volts 60 hz. the supplier required the minimum ampacity of the breaker to be 911 amps. can i use this breaker with rating of Iu =1250 amps but Ith = 800amps maximum?
What is the effect of high alkaline water to a boiler?