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HP Solaris Commands Interview Questions
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If you have forgotten the root password for a server, how do you get back in?

4 9796

how to recover root passwd ?

11 19356

solaris kernel name

7 19838

how to stop the process using process name

10 15900

solaris network daemon

6 12781

how many run level in solaris?

19 52688

how to find out the how many disks attached in the server?

13 19591

How to review multiple MAC Addess in Solaris?

9 12483

how to find bad disk in VERITAS VOLUME MANAGER

12 37874

Explain inode

3 8638

how to add an user without using "useradd" command in solaris10?

4 9313

how many default groups are there in solaris10?what are they?

5 8423

If the /var file system is full then what you will do.

2 7291

Have you done the patching, the patching is done by you only or some one will assign to you?


How to find memory status i.e.. it is full like 100%?

5 8114

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HP Solaris Commands Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How do I remove a sentence in word?


What are the different authentication modes in sql server? How can it be changed?


List the applications of set adt?


What is an Idoc status?


What is the full form of dos?


Can we create an object of static class in java?


How do you add custom message to the Property when it fails the Validation.


List out test deliverables?


How do I start mysql in ubuntu?


What are the essential components of openstack?


What is custom show in powerpoint?


What is rpf in networking?


How is brass solution prepared?


what is the mandatory t code for frontend recruitment process?


What is a Balanced budget ?