Explain with sketch of the Sangam literature as a source for the study of the history of tamilkam.
833Examine the impact of industrialization on demography, urbanization and family in 19th century Europe?
811How far did the constitution of India fulfill the aspirations of the various sections of Indian society?
817Post New HP Interview Questions
Differentiate cobol and cobol-ii. (Most of our programs are written in cobolii, so, it is good to know, how, this is different from cobol)?
What do you do, and what is your professional background?
How will you remove an object from a list?
1.How to get the list of deleted vendor master records/vendor a/c's and can we reuse the same account numbers (delted account number) for creating another new vendor master record?
What is the difference between xpath and css?
What is jsp declaration?
how can check the resistance of battery contact?
what is the Source for GFP cells for transplantation?
What big problem does it solve? - Venture Capitalists
What is the 'interface' and 'implementation'?
What is the difference between local and remote metastore?
What is difference between group by and partition by?
Differentiate broadband router and ethernet switch?
Differences between version 7.x and 8.x.
State bernoulli’s application.