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HP Interview Questions
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How would your co-workers/classmates/friends describe you?

16 35552

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 118640

How the processor registers can be used in C ?

7 16969

What is an volatile variable?

15 36323

How to access or modify the const variable in c ?

16 38168

What is structure padding ?

3 31044

What is structure packing ?

2 14219

How to implement call back functions ?

3 10459

What is an anonymous union and where to apply that ?

3 10307

How to implement variable argument functions ?

1 8801

What are advantages and disadvantages of recursive calling ?

12 99091

How the C program can be compiled?

11 21322

What are the preprocessors?

9 17550

what are the various memory handling mechanisms in C ?

4 11991

What is OOPS and How it is different from Procedural Programming ?

23 68013

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HP Interview Questions

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the process of defining something in terms of itself is called (or) in C it is possible for the functions to call themselves. A function called a) nested function b) void function c) recursive function d) indifinite function


What is difference between GenericServlet and HttpServlet?


What is the output of this code?


What are the important plugins supported in jmeter?


Differences between external iteration and internal iteration?


What is cross reference in word?


How do I call oracle stored procedures that take no parameters?


Assuming {et} is randomly drawn from N(0,1) and e0 = 0, generate 200 observations of xt = et − 0.5e(t−1) and draw a line graph of xt.


What is state transition diagram in UML?


how we will deside the high voltage value


What size is a .net object?


What is the query that gets executed and will get the results? In case if we have a large number of rows, how can we know the exact no of rows returned? : sap bobi


Which scripting language is the default in websphere? Jacl or jython?


What are the disadvantages of a spreadsheet?


What do you mean by return on assets? What does it indicate?