1)how can calibrate temperature transmitter? 2)how can calibrate flow transmitter? 3)how can calibrate level transmitter?
3 47377ultratech cement have askd to me during inerview what is market mapping , how will you draw your market share ?
4 15943How to select the rating of a CT used for REF protection. The rating can be of equal rating of Phase current or neutral current rating
2 5087i want to know is it possible to generate usefull power by coupling generator with motor & supply gives to motor by battery source then generator generates power. remove the battery source given to the motor & feed the supply from some of the generated power supply to the motor & motor runs continously. generator generate power contnously.is it possible ?
5 6897All industrial (power plant, sugar. Cement etc...) chimneys are circular in shape rather than any other shapes... Y..?
9 17928Post New UltraTech Interview Questions
What are the properties of manganese steel?
Can you explain what does the kernel do?
Is DSS secure?
How do I zoom text in visual studio?
How many types of api functions are there in node.js?
What does this mean: *args, **kwargs?
What according to you,is the most important requisite of a call centre executive?
What's more important, fixing the customer's problem or creating a good customer experience?
What is order type for preventive maintenance?
If your boss asks something to do unethical then would you be ready?
Why java is called not pure object oriented language?
What is difference between isset and empty in php?
How to create scrollable tables in HTML-DHTML? My doubt is "I want to create a table whose header will remain stationery when I scroll the table vertically, but at the same time when I scroll horizontally, the header should scorll sidewise along with the body."
Where is file option in powerpoint?
What is difference between temp table and cte?