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Siemens Interview Questions
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in a village 4000 people watch a which 1500 watch A channel.2000 watch B channel and 2500 watch C Channel.500 people watch A and B channel.800 watch A and C Channel.1000 watch B and C Cahnnel.find maximum people who watch maximum no of channels?

9 16200

We have got some values for Field F1 say 1,2,3,4 and F2 say 10,10,10,10.Now can you tell me what would be the output for F1 if we use At End Of event?and what would be the output for F2 if we use At Last event?Also i want to know what is the difference between Total calculation for At end event and grand total for At last event???


how can you display data say "your name"in sap script without print program or driver program??


how can you display data say "your name"in smart forms without print program or driver program??

1 3064

how to handle multiple line items in bdc??

5 31961

What are the exact sequences in which the reporting events trigger.I mean starting from 1st to last.And how many times we can use At-Selection screen or Start-of-selection in a report??

2 6882

i have 3 screens say S1,S2,S3 and i want to validate only S3.What code shud i write in the flowlogic of the screen??

2 4878

i have 4 primary keys and i want to use only one primary key for select single.What changes will occur in the system?can i use it?

4 8798

i want to add 2 records to a table but the last field in the table is 1000 char long.Is it possible?if yes how?


Why is bdc _cursor and GET_Cursor used?

1 13573

what is use of substation? Any book on how to instal or construction of substations?

6 12570

What is reserv for doutfull debts and how it was treated?

2 5119

Can we create internal table in smart forms or scripts?if yes where and how?


i want to change alighnment of windows in scripts.How can i do that?

2 4767

i want to see a material master data which is at client side.How can i view that?

1 4568

Post New Siemens Interview Questions

Siemens Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How do I change the order of columns in postgresql?


What is the java reflection api? Why it’s so important to have?


How do I build a website offline?


Hi Iam Arun D. I m short listed for Karnatka bank interview. Can anybody share ur experiences regarding Bank interview of karnatka bank which was held on dec for Officer's post. Please help me I f u can. thanx in advance


Can you update homestead? If yes, how?


What are some guidelines for designing for liquid and gas velocities in process plant piping?


What is Multiplexing? What are its categories?


Can comments be nested?


How are you different from your classmates to be appointed in HP?


does odi support web services?


Are there any other differences between win2k and win2k3 clustering?


Is string value type c#?


What is sticky form in php?


What is assembly language?


What is the programming language for linux?