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Siemens Project Management Interview Questions
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You are implementing a sap project. implementation compled and development started and at that time you found that there is major problem with the system .It would take again time and customer is not happy with that ,in that case how do you convince customer?

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Siemens Project Management Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are alerts? Where & how u has to do alerts?


What is a user function?


What is the use of css?


Differentiate between a semi-precious and a precious stone?


Can I use flex builder 2 to create applications using the flex 3 sdk?


Hi, i am electronics and communication engineer and don't have any strong programming background. i only know basics of c and C++. Will doing training in TIBCO/Webmethods (4-5 weeks)help me to get an entry level job in any of the field. As i mentioned i don't have strong programming knowledge is any of them is a good career choice for me. if yes which one and can anyone help me to tell from where to start. if not is there any option to get into IT sector except QA.


is maths required for getting job in call centres


What the vuser script contain?


What is classifier in machine learning?


What is dispatcher servlet?


What is the use of 'dynamic' keyword?


What is a kip?


Which of the following API is used to hide a window?


Assuming that locks are the only reason due to which deadlocks can occur in a system. What would be a foolproof method of avoiding deadlocks in the system.


How you will create satellite assemblies?