Post New Siemens SAP MM (Material Management) Interview Questions
Compare RDBMS with Hadoop MapReduce.
How many microsoft word versions are there?
How often you visit different places? Are you comfortable in relocation?
Why can't we use a static class instead of singleton?
hi all.... i need code snippets for store and retrive tiff fromat images in sqlserver....... kindy provide it.......
What are Workflow standards?
Mention what are the two ways to add constraints to a route?
How air abrasion works?
How do I use alt codes in word?
How to use angular datepicker in angular 5/4 applications?
Mention the features of Dojo Charting?
if an insulated power and control cables of a running gas diesel gensets laid direct in an open trench i.e, trench bed is not rcc of a power house in which rain water, spillage water alwas exists and all power control cables remains submerged even when gas gensets of 480 kw each runningin on load. These power &control cables runs from power house to switchgear room through these trenches in which water remains most of the time. pl explain its merit & de-merit
if u have question papers/sample papers of any of PSUs,plz send me at
How do you print from powerpoint?
When a superior planet is at quadrature in reference to the earth, what is its elongation in degrees?