Write down the differences between nosql and rdbms?
What does _ mean in javascript?
Name some of the examples of COBOl 11?
Is c# difficult to learn?
Tell me example for Risk,Mitigation,Assumption?
how do you specify page overflow indicator for printer files in rpg?
What is serialization in javascript?
What is meant by a fully declarative workflow?
Can we put null key in hashmap?
Explain what is mysql?
Why can't we connect source qualifier and aggrigator transformation to an expression ? Why they resticted to conncet 2 active trasformations to an passive transformation ?
Mainframes gets a text file that contains the name of the file. Now using JCL i want to locate that file name in the mainframe system and perform further processing. Please tell how to proceed
Differences between external iteration and internal iteration?
here's one of our insurance plans. Sell it to me? : insurance cold calling
What are the different types of a stream?