How many bank exams(or)interviews have you attended so far?
What could be the cause of Tuxedo�s not being able to boot the process scheduler domain?
Mention what does the investment of personal assets by the owner will do?
What is a resource in restful web service and how it is represented?
which are the configuration files associate with dns server and client in linux operating system?
How to transport bw object?
When should you use an instead of trigger?
What is an access macro?
How multi-hop agent can be setup in Flume?
Explain abstract class in java?
List out some splunk search commands?
How to analyzing the checpoint results?
What is data management gateway and power bi personal gateway?
how to take backup bcp out for a column in table in sql server?
Compared to your competition, how do you compete with respect to price, features, and performance? - Venture Capitalists