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Pepsi Interview Questions
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2. “Planning is looking Ahead & Control is looking back” - Comment.

4 70221

what is ROI and could you plz explain me in detail with all calculations with proper example, that how u will calculate ROI of a FMCG distributor.Remember that you have to explain me in that manner that i am a fresher and u r explaining me all the things abt ROI in proper steps that a person may know each and everything abt ROI after ur example so explain...

7 76366

can you please send me SAP Security upgrade documents and guide for CRM 5 and CRM 7 and what are the differeces between crm 5 AND crm 7 according to sap security point of view.


Please also send me details about CRM 5 and CRM 7 security issues and scenarios.


what is tier in servers?


Why do you prepare a Trial Balance?

14 28658

Have you faced any situation where you are working on one module and at the same time had to work on a different module. how did you cope with such a situation? Give me an example.(plse answer this question as if you are a junior consultant)


constitutional name of india

4 6270

what is primary and secondary sales

5 8924

what kind of battery is used in laptops

4 6794

How you will appoint a new distributor????

5 23071

what is skilled

4 5760

what is tha pop & pos materials

2 14520

company give 3% but distributer asking 5% how to handel

6 20984

what are the advantages and disadvantages of Vlan?

1 60582

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I applied Transactional with updatable subscriptions replication on 2 tables now i want to delete those 2 tables but i cannot delete those tables as replication is running how can i stop replication for those 2 tables(but i don't want to delete those replicated tables but i need to stop the replication) how can i do that


descriptive program for web application.


What's the difference between a method and a procedure?


What are the annotations available in testng?


How does drupal compare to ruby on rails?


there is something which we call as the basicity of an acid i wanted to ask is that is there something like the basicity of an alkali if yes than how can we define it?


What do wbs mean?


how to define and assign value for mini oder value (amiw) condition type and which field cateloge we suppose to choice in v/03?how amiw and amiz work together?


what is the rate of interest when an assesse paid tax after the due date in the prescribed time limit?


How to draw using LoEnglish Mapping Modes?


Tell me what is metallic fibers?


What is a batch?


How does gcd work?


Have you worked with context handling?