i have interview in Pepsi company what type of question will ask please send the question and answeer
3206Post New Pepsi Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
what are the main points to be included in our introduction when asked in hr...??
Which in-built functions are used to convert the specified expression in the form of date and string in the vbscript language?
what are active directory sites in windows server 2008? : Windows server 2008
all types of liquid analyzer principle with drawing?
What is the use of quality control chart type? What does it specify?
What are the channels in .net remoting?
What is a lookup value?
A rectangular sheet dimensions a x b is to be made into an open-topped box by cutting a square of side h from each corner and folding the 4 sides up. Find the value of h which allows the maximum volume of the box?
What is start centre in maximo?
Can python function return multiple values?
Explain about windows phone bluetooth?
What is the class of a constant string?
How to use sum function in where clause in mysql?
Tell some new capabilities / features of flash as 3.0? : adobe flex action script
What ides you can use for node.js development?