i have interview in Pepsi company what type of question will ask please send the question and answeer
3106Post New Pepsi Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
Explain the difference between link and xctl?
How to determie if a given machine has a math coprocessor?
What is dbrm? What it contains? When it will be created?
Explain penicillin?
If you are posted in a village will you go?
what are the 3 test tool categories and describe what each can do.
Can I install mysql on mac?
What is Goods Lost by Fire/Accident/Theft ?
What is the use of gets and puts?
What is java argument list?
What is the use of dom?
If a background job runs more than the time it should be completed normally then what actions will u take?
Explain an integrity constrains?
Hi, I am an Telceom engineer,I know about LSL,HSL links between various Network Elements. Can anyone explain me about F link in telceom. Regards, Sanchit Bhardwaj
what are the Differences between Recordset and Resultsets?