Do any one know exacatly when the results for NHPC held on 8th march 09 for engineering trainees will be released ?. if so please post it, i'm eager to know it.
1892suppose generator rating is 50 kw,load is 25 kw,hw much d generator ll generate?what about d remainin power?
2 4914what is rotatng magnetic field in case of three or multiple phase alternating current machines???
1 3511Post New NHPC Interview Questions
Can I use IS 2062 GR B Material for low temperature application upto -20 C ?
What happens when you set-up a new configuration?
How are fishery catches changing?
How we calculate the recovery of steam as per coal in a boiler if we know the calorific value of coal?
What is monotonic dac?
What is visual c++ 2010 redistributable package x64?
How do you calculate shaft power?
why is personnel management is considered as one important aspect of present day management? give 5 reasons or factors.
What do you understand by the panda update?
Define unescape() and escape() functions?
What does %d do in c?
Explain the use of http ?
Explain with example the concept of constant variable in java.
Is there a windows 7 service pack 2?
How is data stored in dbms?