What is the configuration file in tomcat server?
What is the index requirement in SQL Azure?
What’s the difference between form, formgroup, and formcontrol? How do they work together?
Will my child need a pacemaker?
what will be the total emoluments for deputy surveyor in APPSC in the payband of ( 9460-27600). please give me the detailed information step wise?
What exactly sku stands for?
What are the features of php 7?
What is the purpose of session management?
what is the difference b/w sigmentation and high valume segtmentation?
difference between object file and executable file
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I installed TestDirector 7.6 on my PC which has windows media center edition. It was working fine in the begining. But now when I try to start it, I get the message, "cannot connect to databas. The data base version is older than 7.5, please update database". I am using MS Access as the database. Any help would be appreciated.
What is unowned in swift?
How to execute a stored procedure with TIBSQL?