wirte the test cases for triangle
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Answer / vikas
Assume that the prg takes inputs as 3 sides of triangle :
1. Enter 0 0 0 : Error : no triangle can be made
2. Enter -1 -1 -1 Error : no triangle can be made -ve values
3. Enter 1 0 x : Error : no triangle can be made . only
numbers and no alhpabets
4. Do not enter any values : Prompt to enter valid values
5. Enter 0.000000000000001 , 1000000000000,1000000000000 :
Triangle should be made (Boundary value)
6. And the most tricky
Enter 1 2 4 : Triangle can not be made . Summation of 2
sides should always greater than third value . 1+2<4 . So
triangle can not be made
7. 2 2 2 : Equilateral triangle
8. 1 2 2 : Isoscelous triangle
9. Test with very small values , very large values and
combinations of both .
Is This Answer Correct ? | 68 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / ravi
Some more possibilities r there,
like sides u can also write TC for the angles
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / minni
First check whether it is triangle or not by "any two sides
sum should be greater than third side"
check if 3 sides are equal
check if a NE to b NE to C
check if any two sides are equal
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 10 No |
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