pavani prasad

{ City } trivandrum
< Country > india
* Profession * test engineer
User No # 47507
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Questions / { pavani prasad }
Questions Answers Category Views Company eMail

write script for finding number of broken links in web page? kindly please answer my question.

Manhattan, Oracle, Virtusa,

3 QTP 16738

what are the main differences between keyword driven frame work and data driven frame work?


1 QTP 5305

write the regular expression for date format of mm/dd/yy?


10 QTP 28251

How do you compare the structure of 2 tables in database and check whether they are similar using qtp.

QTP 1663

In an application you have a web table. You are provided with an external Excel sheet with the same structure as that of the web table. How will you retrieve all data from the web table and compare it with corresponding data available in the excel sheet, using QTP? How will you report the results in QTP?

1 QTP 13766

Answers / { pavani prasad }

Question { 7953 }

Hi can anyone pls suggest how to fetch username(system
login name)and system name in to qtp.I am not using TD or


Hi N Reddy,

we use use environment variable for fetching username
(system login name).

u can try this

msgbox environment.Value("UserName")

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Ordain Solutions, 6330 }

How can the expected image for a bitmap checkpoint be
recaptured in QTP


we can use capture bitmap method

first store the object properties in o.R then write the
script as

vbwindow("windowname").CaptureBitmap"path of the file where
it to save"

you can see the picture in the specified location

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Wipro, 15441 }

How to call .vbs funtion , Library files in QTP? plz
Explain indetail(chandana)


we can associate a .vbs file to qtp script without using the
navigation given above i.e

we can use "executefile" method

executefile"path of the .vbs file"

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { 22121 }

Can we set a timeout for the msgbox.I want the msgbox to
disappear after 2 seconds during the script execution
without clicking on the OK button manually.


Timeout = "2"
Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ws.Popup c, TimeOut

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { Polaris, 13749 }

IF there are seven browsers with same name open. I want to
close one particular browser thru QTP. how can i do this?


sorry venkatesh,

i am agrre with u. But one small correction is the creation
time is start with 0.
if u want close first browser u can give no 0,
if u want close 2nd browser u can give no 1 ,
Ex: for closing seventh browser,


Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 0 No

Question { TCS, 9576 }

The string is like POWER STAR PAVAN , write a script for
this how to findout the number of "A" in the string ?


Dim oArray
Dim ochr

print ubound(oArray)

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Question { Accenture, 6576 }

what is the smart identification techniqu?what r the
different mechanisums used in it?


whenever the qtp fails to identify the object by using the
properties present in the object repository then the special
mechanism provided by the qtp to identify the object with
filtration process is known as smart identification.

first of all it will use the complete information present in
the object repository both mandatory properties and
assistive properties.(not ordinal identifier)
if at all it fails to identify the object then it will use
all the base filter properties and will try to identify the
if at all more than one objects are matched with that
properties, then it will consider those objects and filter
the remaining objects.
then it will take the first optional filter property and
will try to match those considered objects.
if more than one objects are matched consider those objects
and filter the remaining objects.
then it will take the 2nd optional filter property and
continuous the same process till it finds exactly one match.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Question { Manhattan, 16738 }

write script for finding number of broken links in web page?

kindly please answer my question.


Thank u Lakshmi for responding my question.
But i asked about broken links,
u r script is for total links.
i want script for only broken links.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Question { Crea, 5668 }

Why does software have bugs?


Software having bugs because.....

1.unclear requirements complexity
3.programming errors
4.changing requirements
5.time pressures
6.poorly documented code
7.miscommunication or no communication
8.errors made in bug tracking

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { CTS, 28251 }

write the regular expression for date format of mm/dd/yy?


Thanks ranu & pratap.

But given regular expressions are accepting the invalid
date like 19/39/2000

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

Question { CTS, 28251 }

write the regular expression for date format of mm/dd/yy?


Thanks Rajesh

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

Question { 6568 }

What is mean by Test Plan? What details will be mention in it?


it is a strategic document which consists of some
information that describes how to perform testing on an
application in an effective, efficient and optimized way.

contents of the test plan:
reference document
coverage of test plan
features to be tested
features not to be tested
test strategy
levels of testing
types of testing
test design techniques
test metrics
automation plan
base criteria
acceptance criteria
suspension criteria
test deliverable
test environment
resource planning
staffing & pinning
risks & contingencies
approval information

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { 4393 }

Hi Currently am using Qtp 10.0 Lisenced product.. but when
am adding objects to object repository from google page it
was identifying as windows objects.. please help me!!!


first open Qtp, then launch the application

u just try it

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 3 No

Question { 29087 }

Write the code for select the 5 values from drop down list.
drop down list having the 10 values.


we can select more than one value from drop own list by
using "extendedselect" option

Browser(" ").Page("").WebList("").Select " first item"
Browser(" ").Page("").WebList("").extendeSelect "#1"
Browser(" ").Page("").WebList("").extendedSelect "#2"

Browser(" ").Page("").WebList("").extendedSelect "#3"

Browser(" ").Page("").WebList("").extendedSelect "#4"


if the items are consecutive, then

for i=0 to 4

Browser(" ").Page("").WebList("").extendedSelect ("#"&i)

if i am worng pls correct me

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

Question { 18539 }

advantages of test plan in software testing? the
interviewer asked what is the use of test plan, as we
always dont follow the test plan.


test plan is a strategic document which contains some
information that describes how to perform testing on an
application in an effective, efficient and an optimized way.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No

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