

int i=300;

char *ptr = &i;




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main() { int i=300; char *ptr = &i; *++ptr=2; printf(&quo..

Answer / susie

Answer :



The integer value 300 in binary notation is: 00000001
00101100. It is stored in memory (small-endian) as:
00101100 00000001. Result of the expression *++ptr = 2 makes
the memory representation as: 00101100 00000010. So the
integer corresponding to it is 00000010 00101100 => 556.

Is This Answer Correct ?    77 Yes 8 No

main() { int i=300; char *ptr = &i; *++ptr=2; printf(&quo..

Answer / subrat


Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 6 No

main() { int i=300; char *ptr = &i; *++ptr=2; printf(&quo..

Answer / giri

cannot convert int * to char * in main

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 12 No

main() { int i=300; char *ptr = &i; *++ptr=2; printf(&quo..

Answer / bidhu

I think the answer depends on compiler.

In Dev-C++ the result is cannot convert int* to char* error

In Code:Block it gives a warning but gives the result 556

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

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