Let?s say you have 100,000 records and you want to delete 95,000 at a time and keep only 5 thousand. But in local memory you don?t have enough space for 95,000 records. What do you do in this case? How do you delete without any problem with time and performance?
3 9136I need data on eBay customers in Chicago who can did bid on certain item? I dont have access to eBay database directly. How I get the information?
1 7561With DTS packaging I can store tables in Excel and convert them back to SQL. But once I copied tables to Excel I want to modify some info. How you do that without editing the Excel file?
2232Given an array of size N in which every number is between 1 and N, determine if there are any duplicates in it. You are allowed to destroy the array if you like.
21 48712Can any one tell me how to increase the performance of a sql query ie what are the performance tips in creating or writing a sql query !!?
3 11509A big cube painted with yellow colour in all sides. if you cut it into 1000 cubes with same dimension. than how many cubes were without painted anyside. explain it?
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