A man was looking at a portrait. Someone asked him, "Whose picture are you looking at?" He replied, pointing at the portrait: "Brothers and sisters have I none, but this man's son is my father's son." Now whose picture is the man looking at?
6 18636Design a counter for the following binary sequence: 0,4,5,3,1,6,2,7 and repeat. Use JK flip-flops.
3 20745The State in India with the largest coastline is: (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Kerala (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Maharashtra
44 185716How are various factors of production affected by global competition? Do we manage people any differently in a globally competitive environment?
2 9448In the resrarch process, why is the problem defination stage probably the most important stage? What are the key issues that need to be addressed at this stage?
1 8948Post New University Interview Questions
How can I get ascii value of any letter? Is there any function?
What is keyword stemming in seo?
What is iselignored in jsp?
how Sequence to connect and retrieve data from database using dataset?
What is comment?
You are in the Planning process of your project, and your project sponsor has requested an accurate cost estimate in two weeks from today. You'll use which of the following techniques to provide her with the most accurate cost estimate? A. Bottom-up B. Analogous C. Top-down D. Earned value
What is the limit of keywords meta tag?
Which programming language is best for getting job 2020?
List out the difference between commit, rollback, and savepoint?
Does hibernate work without primary key?
what is basic difference betmeen normal & flame proof motor??
At present who is the prime minister of India?
Can you describe an example of how Quantum AI is used in chemistry for molecular simulation?
Explain the "cursortype" and "Locktype" in VB?
What purpose does training serve? Explain the ingredients of a good training programme for the employed at various levels.