If the sap system is down where will you start trouble shooting?
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Answer / renjith remann
Fist of all check the work Directory for error Logs.
Arrange the work directory by last changed date.
Then you will get the latest logs for Error.
dev_disp related to dispatcher
dev_server0 is related to server0 for java.
also check dev_jcontrol and dev_jcom,
For detailed trouble shooting of Java Systems,
You can go to the
Directoty, /usr/sao/<SID>/j2ee/cluster/server0/logs
There you can check the default Trace logs..
For Further more logs,
goto System Folder inside of Logs..
Any security related issues is there, u can get the exact
reason from there itself.
Renjith Remanann
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Answer / steve
check the sap, oeacle, dw services if they are running
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / s.m.feroz ahmed
If SAP system is down then we start trouble shooting at OS
level.Once it is done then we check for DISP+WP this is the
main source where failure occurs.check whether DISP+WP is
active if it is active then SAP system is up and if DISP+WP
is inactive then it means the SAP system is down.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 6 No |
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