How to calculate PF capactors for a connected load?
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Answer / ramji
First calculate the actual KVAR load.Then calculated the
actual PF.Then as per required PF, calculate the KVAR to be
added.This is the value of capacitor bank to be shunted.
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Answer / g parsaram reddy
capacitor bank selection base on the connected load
ex - 500kw load formula is kvar = kw ( tan cos-1pf) - (tan cos-1pf)there is power factor taken lower and higher valu , ex2 kvar= 250(tan cos-1 0.8)- (tan cos-1 0.96)step2 kvar=250(tan36.36-tan16.26) than 250(0.74-0.29) than250(0.45)than kvar=114.5this is required
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