What is the difference between a verilog task and a verilog function?
why we r fixing harmonic filter
why in america the supply frequency is applied as 60 HZ. but in india we use 50 HZ.
1 Answers Elcom International, HCL, NTPC, OMC,
what will happen if the secondary of current transformer kept open....
what is conductor constant taken for calculation of voltage regulation of 11 kv and 33kv line on dog aor rabbit conductor
1 Answers CSPDCL-Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited,
what is the transformer efficiency?
how can we find CT coil not working ?
Terminal blocks is used for segregate the connections... There is any principle for terminal block..?
what is the voltage between earth & neutral in 3 phase electrical connection.
0 Answers Megatron Solutions, SIPL,
An 8 pole, 50 Hz, 3-phase IM is loaded to a poing where pull out torque will occur. The rotor resistance per phase is 0.3 ohm and motor stalls at 650 rpm. The slip when motor stalls is A 1 B 0 C 13.33% D 10.33%
why transformer rating in kva
How to calculate the 2500 Kva Transformer losses Primary 11KV Secondary 415volts
in underground cables, we have a grading method called 'capacitance grading' why is it called 'capacotance grading' although we do not use any capacitor in it?