for a 500 KVA connected load, I calculated 30% of capactor for power correction. Even after using 225 KVR capactor PF is not improving. What could be reason for low Phase correction factor?
1651Post New Power World Interview Questions
What is mean by STUB protection?
List the various ale business processes available.
What is a mainframe?
What are the primary integration for ps?
Why did ibm cognos tm1 web change the technology from .net to java?
What is adt in data structure?
How set mysql root password?
What is jdbc template in spring?
Can we set image Source dynamically using C# in WPF application?
Why is typescript used in angular?
What are static methods for?
What is difference between jquery and angularjs?
Is a directive legally binding?
What do you find the most challenging in Accpuntant role
I have 2 tables with 1 million rows each. I have updated 1 row in first and 1 million update on second table. Now I commit both the updates. Which one will commit fast and Why?