What in script controlling? what are the events in
maintenance view:
A subroutine can be terminated unconditionally using exit. State true or false : abap modularization
how to create form without mainwindow
How to eliminate duplicate entries in internal tables? : abap data dictionary
28) What is the significance of Data element and Domain?
what are the steps in oops alv reports?
Where do you find info on new developments in SAP?
how to create the new page in alv.(ex: after 50 records it will trigger new page or based on some condition).
Name a few data dictionary objects?
How to Create an Interactive List based on the selection criteria specified for the customer number for displaying the customer information on the basic list, their corresponding order details on the secondary list. Plz specify the coding details. Regards, Rahul
What two statements are required in an abap program to output an icon using a written statement?
What are the mandatory fields to be filled for BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1
What is the significance of at line-selection event?