What is the diff btw Conventional & Addressable Fire Alarm
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Addressable detector - Each detector has got unique number
or Address, so whenever there is smoke detection, Control
panel will indicate from which detector smoke was detected-
Easy identification of location. Exact location can be known
Conventional- In the control panel we will have only Zones
from where smoke detected. Several detectors may be
connected inthe zone. We have to rush to the zone and and
identify the zone. Only zone location is known
N Manivannan
Is This Answer Correct ? | 91 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / s.gnanaprakasam
In addition to manivannan's answer i want to add one more
point.In conventional system all detectors in one zone were
connected in one straight line.so, if there is any failure
of one detecter in that line means futher detectors will
not get power and they will not work.
But in addressable also known as inteligent fire
alarm system, all detectors in the zone were connected
insame type of conventional system with small different is
thetail end detector's another end[one end is with previous
detector] is connected to fire alarm. In such a way all
detectors were in one closed loop.so,is there is any
failure in any detector means other detectors adjacent to
faulty detector may get power supply from other end of the
loop.Hence reliability of the system increases.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 45 Yes | 12 No |
Answer / ravi
Fire Alarm Systems fall broadly into two groups -
1>Conventional Systems or Analogue Addressable Systems.
'Conventional' Fire Alarm Systems, in their various forms,
have been around for many years and have changed little in
that time in terms of technology; although design and
reliability have improved significantly. However,
Conventional Systems are a well-proven technology
protecting many hundreds of thousands of properties
worldwide. A Conventional Fire Alarm System is often the
natural choice for smaller systems or where budget
constraints exist.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 16 No |
Answer / gfgfffdh
Addressable detector -we can easily find the smoke or heat detector location
Conventional panel-we check the detector zone wise
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / mohd zubair
1. With a conventionalfire Alarm System there is no way of
pinpointing the exact location of fire fault.
2. In Addressable Syestem we can pipoint the exact location
of fire fault incoding of zone detector.
3. A conventional System is more costly in terms of Manhour
& Material for the installation of the System.
4.An Addressable System have a range of other facilities
that can help to save money.
5. A conventional System is not relaible System.
6. A adderasble Syestem more reliable than conventional
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 3 No |
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