what is the working principle of dc motor & its
application ?
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Answer / akash malhotra
The working principal of dc motor is based on faraday's law
of induction.
When a current carrying conductor is placed in magnatic
field it exprieance a torque.
Applications of dc motor are
toys,robotics,Lathes,Drills,Boring mills,Shapers,Spinning
and Weaving machines,Electric traction,Cranes,Elevators,HAir
compressor,Vacuum cleaner,Hair drier,Sewing machine
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Answer / savaliya sumit j.
it convertede electricalenergy in to mechenicalenergy.
pump fan etc.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 10 No |
DC Motor Principle: Whenever a current carrying conductor
is placed in any magnetic field it will experience a force.
Uses:- DC motor is used in traction work, toys,high torque,
crane work,elevators, etc.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
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