What is roll in and roll out?
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Answer / sanjay
when a user login to a system the user contex data has been
collected from the data base to Roll Buffer, Roll File.
when user execute any transaction the user data are loaded
to the workprocess roll memory from the roll buffer/file.
this is known as roll-in. and
after the completrion of one dialog LUW the roll data
rolled out to the roll buffer. this is known roll-out.
this method is used for the dialog multiplexing, means the
dialog wp make free to accept any other dialog request.
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Answer / vishnu
ROLL-IN----The process of rolling the user related information from user context to work process task handler is refferd as roll-in.
ROLL-OUT---The process of rolling out the user related information from work process task handler to user context before sending the response to the user.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sravan kumar pendyala
when the user first time login to system ,he get the user
credentials from the DB and sends back to R3 work
process.and work process beforr handover to user request it
will save all user authrisation,parameter,password,field in
to a user context. This is called Roll out.
when next time user request come ,it will directtly go to
user context and get all user related information from user
context. this is called Roll in.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 15 Yes | 14 No |
Answer / ganesh varma
When a user asks for the Request.
To serve the Request, the time taken from Apllication layer
to Database layer is called Roll-in time.
To serve the Request, the time taken from Apllication layer
to Presentation layer is called Roll-in time.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 19 No |
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