please let me know SAP XI interview questions for ibm ? what
level they may ask
Answer / vineeth
1.Explain the Urs Project Architechture? And Briefly
explain about Ur scenario in Project?
2.What are differnet Types of mapping are there in sap xi ?
3.***What is context change ?
4.What are the different standard functions in XI ?
5.Which adapters run on j2ee engine and which run on ABAP
6. Use of each adapter ?
7.*** How and why is content conversion performed?
8. What is Correlation in BPM ?
9.What is . Synch/asynch bridge in BPM ?
10. What is . Collect pattern. In BPM ?
11.for each and par for each in a block ?
12. Send synchronously and asynchronously. ?
13.What are the Step types in BPM. ?
14.How do u define Alert Category in xi and what are the
rules for it ?
15.. How do you test an Alert?
16. How to Use Alerts in a BPM
17.What are the stacks available in XI ?
18.What is the Need for datatype, message type, message
interface, message mapping, interface mapping?
19. Synch/ Asynch/ outbound/inbound/ abstract interfaces ?
20.How do you monitor your messages in XI ?
21. ****What is the difference between the monitoring done
on the RunTimeWorkBench ?
22.What is End to End Monitoring
23.What is Performance Monitoring,
24.What is Cache Montioring
25.***What is a System Landscape Directory (SLD )
26. ***What is Business System ?
27. ***What is Technical System ?
28 ***What is Logical System ?
29.Why to create communication channel ?
30.***Why to create sender and receiver agreement?
31 Why to create Receiver Determination and Interface
Determination ?
32 What is IB?
33.What scenarios have you worked on?
34.***Explain the pipeline Steps?
35.What adapters will you use to orders coming via Web?
36.What is IS (Integraion Server )?
37.***where does the IR (integration Repository ), ID
38.What does the cache hold?
39.***What is Mapping ?
40.What is Business process Management (BPM)?
41.**** Explain the scenarios
42.What does a RFC adapter support? Is EOIO supported by
43.What are advantages and why would you install a
decentralize adapter engine?
44.Comment on the following, adapter engine is also known
as a PCK?
45.What is the different monitoring status? Where do you
find them?
46.What adapters are not in adapter engine?
47.***Which ABAP proxy, in or outbound has code you can
type in?
48.With an optional node what is the cardinality? How do make sure the subordinate's fields get mapped?
50.What is it WSDL? Where do you find it in DR? Does Is
used in Java or ABAP Proxy?
51.In XI 3.0 Stack 9, what are the supported mapping types?
52.What are prerequisites for importing customer defined
53.***What are the three IDOC transactions in XI?
54.Context object replace what?
55.***Two things can make up a collaboration agreement,
what are they?
56.what is the sender communications channel? If error
during inbound or outbound binding, where do you look to
57.***What is URI, URL, and URN and what are their
To perform content based routing, two places it can be
done, what are the two places?
58.What is an integration process?
59.***Message Mapping, advanced user function, can you test
for context changes, if yes how?
60.***What is multi-mapping? Where is it used? What are the
61.What are the two XSLT tags, previously that could not be
used in XI Why?
62.Using a simple user defined function how can you send
trace information to be monitored?
63.What is function exists in message mapping?
64.***What Jar file is required to perform Java Mapping?
65***What is context in message mapping?
66.***What is Collapse context and remove context & Split
by Value?
67.Source message occurs 3 times, target only once what is
68.***Java mapping class, which class must it implement?
69.***What is scope of mapping template?
70.How does a Boolean function work in message mappings?
71.***Where can you use a user-defined function, scope?
72.In simple mapping - one source results in 4 identical
target messages, with regarding cardinality what is the
73.***What is a prerequisite to do ABAP mapping for a
complex transformation?
74.What step can be inserted into an exception branch?
75.Where can you find business process engine?
76.What actions can you perform in SXICACHE?
77.How do you get an error condition to generate an alert?
78.Could multiple instances of an integration process be
running at the same time? If so, how does a message find
its way to the correct instance?
79.Which XI objects can be used in an integration process?
80.What happens after an exception is raised in BPM?
Send message within an integration process to 8 receivers
at the same time, how can I do this?
81.Describe the triggering of exceptions in BPM?
82.What is a correlation and what is local correlation?
83.***Which steps can trigger an alert?
84.What are the 2 visibilities of container elements?
85.What are the different types that a container element
can be based on? Can container elements be based on
dictionary structure MARA?
86.What is the relationship between an integration process
and business workflow?
87.What is diff between XI 3.0 and PI 7.0?
88.***Parameters of JDBC, IDOC, RFC, FILE, FCC(File Content
89.***Why IDOC do not need sender agreements and
communication channel?
90.What is an Xpath?
91.***What are the mapping u have done?
92.What is a proxy and Alert?
93.***What is BPM and where and why it is used?
94.Can we do scenario without BPM how we can do it?
95.What is User defined functions and how to create it?
96.What are predefined functions?
97.***What is multiple mapping?
Transaction code ?
98.Tell me how to handle the error in BPM (transaction to
monitor the errors).
99.***What is business system and business service?
100.***What is query and Queues?
101.What are different design times components used by XI?
102.What services does the integration server provide?
103.What are the 4 functions does adapter framework provide?
104.What is XI domain?
105.***What is XI pipeline and what is a pipeline service?
106.Describe the alert functionality of the runtime
workbench? Name different monitoring functions of the
runtime workbench?
107.Web application server 6.2 has an integration engine.
Why is this so?
108.List 4 ways to enable logging / trace?
What is logging / trace? Properties of an Async message?
Inbound XI message has problem, where do you look for
109.***Different steps to make an IDOC adapter work?
110.JMS adapter can talk with what type of systems?
111.Can JDBC adapter query DB tables?
112.JMS adapter scenario messaging system provider needs to
submit what?
113.***JDBC/JMS require certain steps before they can work?
114.***What is a mail adapter?
115.What format can JDBC adapter communicate in? If
communications with JDBC using XML format, what are 4
actions you could do?
116.***what is scope of setparamer(),excute() in JAVA
Mapping ?
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what is idoc collection ? and how to send multiple idcos to target system.?
How do you monitor livecache in scm or apo systems (or) what is the transaction code used to monitor livecache in scm or apo systems?
Where will you create the logical system name?
What do you mean by pbo (process before output) and pai (process after input)?
what is message flow in sap xi
How will you reprocess the idoc?
Why we need to create receiver agreement for idoc?
What components does sap enterprise portal contain?
What is the difference between idoc adapter and rfc adapter?
What is POP3 & IMAP4?difference between them?
I have sender side one message and target side two difference messages how will I mapped?
What is the difference between fix value and value mapping?