What is mimimum di -electric strength value for 33 KV transformer OLTC oil
how to wiring 20 hp motor get completated?
When a square wave is applied to primary of a transformer then what will be output wave form of secondary ?
why magnetising curve not start with zero voltage?
What is the difference between type1 and type2 relay protection co-ordination for motor feeders
our scope called one core cable for distribution system so we like to use 4 core cable with one equipment grounding conductor so what kind of technical reasons i can say that the 4core is better then 1 core,
WHAT IS BASICS TO SELECTION OF 11 kv Trasformer, send any calculation sheet for selection of transformer
Why voltages are 11kv 33kv why not others?
Due to ferranti effect which power increases at the receiving end?active power or reactive power?
directional over current relay when acted & how it works
Dg daily a check duration
What will be the voltage regulation of a full load and 0.80 power factor lagging load transformer when a two winding single phase transformer has a voltage regulation of 4.5% at full load and unity power factor?